Thursday, June 26, 2008

Fire! Fire! Nah...Just Baking.

So mommy said we were going for a ride and put me in the car and closed the door and then she ran around the car like a maniac trying to open all the doors! I thought that was funny so I watched her for a while and then our neighbor Marianne and her son Alex came out and they were looking in on me too.

It got hot and I started to cry. Mommy usually comes right away but she didn't come get me so I was confused and cried some more.

Then some firemen showed up with an axe and a long metal thing and they got the lock to open, unbuckled me and handed me to my mommy. I was so happy because it was hot and I was getting really sweaty in there!

Mommy said she was real sorry for locking me in the car with the keys. The firemen said that they've had to rescue other babies like me in hot cars that day! Firemen are cool!

Hey, Daddy! Can I be a fireman when I grow up?

Z Chew Toy

Daddy Day Dinner

White Puppy and Me

Highlands Bench with Daddy

Highlands with Daddy

Hammock with Daddy

Porch with Mommy